10隻纖細的小手指 Ten tiny little fingers
10隻纖細的小腳趾 Ten tiny little toes
用充滿油脂與愛的雙手 With oiled and loving hands
我輕巧地包覆著 I delicately enclose

當我輕撫你的身軀 And as I caress your body
直視入你的雙眸 and look into your eyes
我把我所有的能量送給你 I send you all my energy to
伴隨你的喘息 accompany your sighs

透過你柔軟的肌膚 Through your tender skin
這是我掌心內所感受到的 that I feel beneath my hand
你的身體訴說了好多好多 There is so much more your body
幫我更加了解你 says to help me understand

現在,隨著一首舒緩的歌曲 Now with a soothing song our
我們的按摩已經完全,但未結束 massage is all but done
我知道在我內心和靈魂處 I know in my heart and
我們之間的連結 in my soul our connection
才正要開始 has just begun

作者 Natalie Warn

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